Thursday, October 03, 2013

What about a DOG scan?

Diagnostic Optical Graphicplanar?

Have you ever wondered if people make up acronyms just to spell out their favorite words? Computer Assisted Tomography or Computed Tomography is commonly called a CAT scan. But what if you're a dog person? Couldn't we just call it a Diagnostic Optical Graphicplanar to make it a DOG scan and create a great new word (graphicplanar) for Words with Friends? It goes back to the old joke that a DOG says "You feed me, you shelter me, you pet me, you love me ... you must be God" while a CAT says "You feed me, you shelter me, you pet me, you love me ... I must be God!" (Many thanks to Bob Sjogren)

All this to say that I'm scheduled for a DOG (or CAT) scan today (10/4) at 4:00pm. 

In the palm of His Hands,

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